Dwarvin Lamplighter


10 products

    The Lamplighter™ System is an innovative system using fiber optics.  Based on using a very intense light system underneath the model train table, fibers can be ran into the space to be illuminated.  The light source is 30+ times brighter than the typical LED used in hobby applications, which allows lighting of buildings and creating street lamps that will really glow well.  The lighting of even a single fiber is intense.   

    Try it out today and see why Lighting Without Wiring utilizing the Lamplighter System is so easy!

    10 products
    RF Lamplighter® Controller for your model train layout (RFCNTRLR)
    Integrated Railroad Crossing Kit using Lamplighter® DFL
    from $129.95
    Lamplighter 2 With Power Supply (DV201)
    Lamplighter 1 With Power Supply (DV101)
    Lamplighter® Power Supply (PS)
    HO Integrated Railroad Crossing Kit
    from $29.95
    N Scale Integrated Railroad Crossing Kit
    from $29.95
    O Gauge 3-Rail Integrated Railroad Crossing Kit
    from $29.95
    S / O Scale 2-Rail Integrated Railroad Crossing Kit
    from $29.95
    1 Gauge Integrated Railroad Crossing Kit
    from $34.95
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