

22 products
    The Lamplighter™ Flashing Unit is new to the Dwarvin product line and introduces animation to your layout.  With the addition of the Lamplighter FL (FL stands for Flashing) box you will now have the ability to not only illuminate your scenery to give it sparkle and depth, but also to create animated effects to give even greater interest to your art work.
    22 products
    HO RailRoad Crossing (DVFLRRX101)
    N Scale RailRoad Crossing (DVFLRRX201)
    O Gauge RailRoad Crossing (DVFLRRX301)
    Crossing Bell (DVFLRRXBELL)
    Side-on IR Detector Unit (Pack of 2) (DVFLDTIRS)
    Vertical IR Detector Unit (Pack of 2) (DVFLDTIRE)
    HO Tall Block Signal 2 Color (DVFLBS102)
    HO Dwarf Signal 2 Color (DVFLBS101)
    Dummy HO RailRoad Crossing - No Signage (DVFLRRX101D)
    Integrated Railroad Crossing Kit using Lamplighter® DFL
    from $143.95
    Lamplighter® DFL
    from $29.99
    HO Integrated Dwarf Block Signal Kit using Lamplighter® DFL
    from $91.99
    HO Integrated Tall Block Signal Kit using Lamplighter® DFL
    from $121.99
    HO Turnout Signals Kit for Stall Motor (Tortoise like) - Dwarf or Tall Signals
    from $7.99
    N Turnout Signals Kit for Stall Motor (Tortoise like) - Dwarf Signals
    from $7.99
    HO Turnout Signals kit - Snap Twin Coil 3 Wire Kit - Dwarf / TallSignals
    from $12.99
    N Turnout Signals kit - Snap Twin Coil 3 Wire Kit - Dwarf Signals
    from $12.99
    HO Turnout Signals kit - Snap Bipolar 2 Wire - Signals
    from $4.00
    N Turnout Signals kit - Snap Bipolar 2 Wire - Dwarf Signals
    from $4.00
    N Dwarf Signal 2 Color (DVFLBS201)
    O Gauge Integrated Dwarf Block Signal Kit using Lamplighter® DFL
    from $109.99
    O Dwarf Signal 2 Color (Single) (DVFLBS301)
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